Top 8 Certifications for Accountants To Consider

俗话说得好, 生活中唯一确定的事情就是死亡和纳税——这意味着永远都需要会计师. In fact, positions for accountants 和 auditors are projected to increase by 10.6% by 2032, according to Lightcast, a leading labor analytics firm.

但是会计不仅仅是关于税收. 的re are a number of specialties available within this complex 和 ever-changing field, many of which require additional training 和 certifications beyond a bachelor’s degree. Since certification programs often require a significant investment of time 和 money, 了解哪些认证符合您的职业目标是您职业发展计划的重要组成部分. 这就是为什么mg不朽情缘游戏网址收集了八种可以帮助你职业发展的认证信息, as well as the key factors you should consider as you explore your options. 


会计证书是证明在会计的某个专业领域的专业知识或认可特定技能的证书. Certain accounting roles require specific certifications — for example, 只有获得注册会计师(CPA)证书的专业人士才能签署审计报告. Other certifications can be used to grow new skill sets, move into specialized roles 和 st和 out in the hiring process. Some certifications are awarded by industry regulatory bodies, while others are overseen by the IRS or by specific schools.


Accounting certification programs are available for all different types of accountants, as well as for students enrolled in an accounting degree program. While you can start the qualification process for some certifications while a student, most require a certain number of hours of practice before the credential is awarded. 

认证对那些希望履行受监管职能(如准备联邦纳税申报表)的专业人士尤其有益。, advance into a new role or pivot into a different area within the field of accounting. 

What Accounting Certifications Are Available?

A wide range of accounting certifications is available. Some of these credentials are earned through specific educational programs, 而另一些则是通过考试或达到一定的教育和经验标准获得的. 与广告上的会计工资中位数相比,这些证书中的许多可以显著增加收入潜力, 也就是74美元,600 in the first quarter of 2023 according to Lightcast Analytics, 领先的劳动力市场数据提供商.


  • 广告工资中位数:86,400美元 

注册会计师是会计师的黄金标准,许多工作都需要注册会计师证书. Tracie Miller, chair of mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s accounting programs. This professional license demonstrates knowledge of a wide range of accounting functions, 包括税务准备, 财务报表, 财务规划, 法务会计和内部审计. By law, only CPAs can perform certain functions, such as 审计 publicly traded companies. Licensure is particularly valuable in public accounting, 金融业, 政府与法规遵从. 


States award CPA certification, 和 the specific process varies by jurisdiction. 然而, 每个州的会计师都必须通过由美国注册会计师协会管理的统一注册会计师考试 美国注册会计师协会 有资格获得认证. Each state sets its own requirements around education 和 experience. 大多数人希望有学士学位或一定数量的大学学分,以及在公共会计或政府部门工作的经验.


  • 广告工资中位数:100,200美元

CIA资格是全球公认的内部审计员资格证书,这些审计员在公司和政府机构中工作,以确保财务记录正确合规,并发现错误和欺诈行为. While CIA certification covers some of the same functions as CPA certification, 它更狭隘地关注审计过程,面向组织内部的角色,而不是外部审计职位. 


内部审计师协会 奖励中央情报局. 候选人必须通过三门考试,并具备教育背景和相关经验. In addition, they must agree to follow a code of ethics 和 provide a character reference. 


  • 广告工资中位数:74,600美元

CMA的指定证明会计熟练程度和战略财务管理主题的知识, 包括报告, 预算, 风险管理及其他. 对于希望进入管理或领导岗位的会计师来说,这个认证是一个很好的选择.


管理会计师协会 (IMA)提供CMA证书. 获得CMA证书, 你需要有会计或相关领域的学士学位,以及两年相关的工作经验. You must also join the IMA 和 pass the two-part CMA exam. 

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  • 广告工资中位数:86,400美元

CFE认证为从事侦查和调查金融犯罪和欺诈活动的专业人士做好准备. 欺诈审查员进行法医学审计, 分析财务记录, 甚至从事刑事调查. 的y may work in the private sector or government positions, including in law enforcement agencies like the FBI. 


CFE证书由英国联邦教育委员会颁发 注册欺诈审查员协会 (ACFE). 获得CFE证书, 你必须成为ACFE会员, pass an exam 和 demonstrate two years of fraud-related work. You’ll also need to show a combination of relevant education 和 professional experience. 


  • 广告工资中位数:89000美元

注册代理人证书使会计师有资格准备纳税申报表,并在国税局前代表纳税人解决纠纷和其他与税务有关的问题. Enrolled Agents may work with individuals, businesses or any group that files taxes. 


Unlike other accounting certifications, the Enrolled Agent credential is 由国税局直接提供. EA certification does not have any educational requirements. 然而, 你必须通过一个由三个部分组成的考试,或者证明你有足够的前国税局雇员的工作经验.


  • 广告工资中位数:116,100美元

CISA认证使专业人员有资格审核、控制和评估IT和业务系统. It is well suited for professionals who wish to work in a more technical context. 


CISA证书是由 ISACA, a professional organization for information governance 和 security professionals. 获得CISA认证, you must demonstrate five years of relevant technical experience 和 pass an examination. 

Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM)

  • 广告工资中位数:70,400美元

的 CGFM 证书 demonstrates expertise in government-specific accounting, 审计, 财务报告, 内部控制和预算实务. 该认证为地方,州和联邦政府机构职位的专业人员做好准备. 


AGA, an association for government finance professionals, awards CGFM certification. 该资格要求具有学士学位和两年的政府财务管理专业经验. You’ll also need to pass three exams 和 agree to a code of ethics. 

Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)

  • 平均工资:69,900美元

全球会计师均可获得CGMA证书,该证书展示了企业或政府高层职位所需的管理会计技能. 除了财务会计, this qualification requires knowledge of operations, 战略和管理最佳实践. 


美国注册会计师协会 administers the CGMA designation in the United States. To earn the CGMA, you must complete an online certification program 和 pass an exam. You’ll also need three years of relevant work experience.


会计认证费用昂贵,需要大量的时间和准备, many credentials require regular recertification 和 fee payment. 这意味着在你开始资格认证过程之前,了解认证将如何提升你的职业前景和收入是至关重要的. For some accounting positions, certifications like the CPA are essential. 在其他领域, 证书可以帮助你从其他求职者中脱颖而出,但可能不是绝对的要求. 

As the figures above demonstrate, certifications may come with higher earning potential. 然而, 重要的是要记住,每个会计领域的个人工资可能会根据组织和每个角色的相关责任而有很大差异. 

As you consider whether certification is right for you, 浏览一下你感兴趣的mg不朽情缘试玩,联系一下类似职位的会计师,更好地了解认证是否能帮助你实现目标. 对许多会计师来说, 获得证书的最大回报来自与个人和专业兴趣相一致的专业功能. 


Ready to find your unique pathway in the accounting profession? mg不朽情缘游戏网址可以提供帮助. 

mg不朽情缘试玩的 M.S. 在会计-财务运作重点M.S. 在会计-税务重点 课程由经验丰富的从业者授课,并100%在线交付,以帮助您平衡学习与个人和职业责任. 短短17个月, 你可以获得学位,获得参加专业会计认证考试所需的时间和基础知识, such as the 注册会计师(CPA) designation. 

如果你有兴趣通过数据分析和演示能力来提升你的会计事业, mg不朽情缘试玩会计数据分析 证书课程可能适合你. 这个在线课程可以在12个月内完成,并提供注册会计师执照的学分. 

学习更多关于会计的知识 硕士学位 or 证书 from mg不朽情缘游戏网址可以提供帮助 you build your future.

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